Traits of an Embodied Womban

Embodied Womban

The Embodied Woman

She is rooted in her worth
At ease in her power
Radiant in her creativity
Alive in her pleasure
Anchored in self-trust
Expansive in her magnetism
Activated in self-leadership
Embodied in her boundaries
Radical in self-responsibility

Can you feel her?
Is she you?
Are you yearning to awaken into her?
To remember your full self

Do you yearn to awaken into your embodied fullness?
Do you long to gather with aligned women in a sacred circle?
Are you wanting deep intimate conversations and connections?
Do you desire to feel her rising within you?
Are you yearning to awaken into your Embodied Woman?

  • Note: this transcript was generated automatically. Its accuracy may vary.

    [00:00:00] Welcome to the Embodied Woman Podcast with me, Rebecca Wilson, an embodied experiential space for you to drop deep into the wealth. Of wisdom within your being and activates a fuller, richer you. I am a feminine awaken thought leader, embodied business doula, sacred business midwife, healer, and all round.

    [00:00:37] Woman, I am here to guide women deeper into their essence and power to activate their life force, awaken pleasure and support them to live an embodied life. I will help you birth your visions, dreams, creations. Desires and sacred business into the world [00:01:00] from an easeful, embodied, and rooted place within my work supports women to become more available for life, love, relationship, connection, creation, pleasure, and wealth.

    [00:01:16] I will activate you into self-leadership and self mastery to truly live an embodied and awakened life. Welcome on the journey.

    [00:01:34] Hello, love. Welcome, welcome, welcome. So if you have been. Along the journey with us. Since the birth of this podcast, you may have noticed that we have been through a rebirth. And if you're new here, welcome. Welcome. I love, it's so beautiful to have you here. [00:02:00] And yeah, we have been through a rebirth and a renaming process in the podcast space here.

    [00:02:11] I. Had felt this calling or this knowing inside of me that there was a transition and something moving inside of my inner world. And I had sat with all of that for some time and spoke to my team and, and discussed d. Possibilities and the things that we're creating in the business and the offerings that are being born.

    [00:02:44] And through that, what arrived to me was that the podcast was ready for renaming and rebirthing. All of the sharing and the messaging and the content that I bring here in this space, we'll stay, [00:03:00] we are actually moving into working towards bringing. Episodes a month, which is super exciting. I just love being able to share in this way and connect with you all, and I love receiving the messages from you about the insights that have arrived when you've been listening to the podcast.

    [00:03:24] And yeah, I wanted to bring more of. . And through that process, through that creation cycle that I was in, it kind of landed with me that the name wanted to change, it wanted to feel fuller, rounder, more rooted. And so the Embodied Woman Podcast with me, Rebecca Wilson, has been re. The new name really wanted to be all encompassing of womanhood of all the things that we explore and journey [00:04:00] through, and navigate through and have the cycles of in expression of being an embodied woman, whether that be in business, which I support so many women.

    [00:04:12] In the creative aspect of their lives, but also within the womanhood of being a woman in the world. And what that means for them are reconnecting to their womb and the feminine energy, how that shows up in relationship to family, to partners to children, or the journey of conception. And so the Embodied Woman was, And that for me represents the overall message or reason.

    [00:04:47] The why that is the thread that connects all the multifaceted expressions of my creations within my business is for women to [00:05:00] return back into or deeper into. The embodied version of themselves to be an integrated, embodied woman, and whether that be in relationship, in partnership, in motherhood, in business, in connection to self, in connection to others, or in any other area of facet of your life holding that energy.

    [00:05:30] Inside anchoring into that frequency that embodied knowing of yourself. And ultimately what it all arrives into is supporting and guiding women into a deeper relationship with themselves and their bodies, their hearts and their wounds. And from that, from that deep space within just recognizing all.

    [00:05:56] Possibilities and potentials that arise and are [00:06:00] born from that space. You know, the women that step into my world, they are working in business, they're in creation, they're in leadership, but they're also mothers and they're also partners, and they are family members. And their daughters and their sisters, and.

    [00:06:20] The common thread that weaves through all of the sharings and the spaces that I'm so honored and privileged to create, hold and support is this thread of returning into or deepening into, or remembering what it means for each individual woman to be embodied in. Fullness, their trueness, their wholeness, and there's not a one way fits all.
    [00:06:51] There's not, this is the blueprint for that because it's such an individual experience to, [00:07:00] to reclaim and remember. These parts of the self may be long lost, forgotten, abandoned, rejected parts. And we all have different aspects of ourselves that we shut down or discard along the way throughout our own personal journey of being a human.

    [00:07:23] But whether that manifests in creation, in business, in leadership, as a space holder, a healer. A mother, a wife, a partner, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a colleague, a woman in the world. There is this journey that I see and have witnessed over the last decade of my work here, and it is the returning, the remembering, the restoring back into the fullness of self.

    [00:07:54] So here we are, reborn with a new energy. [00:08:00] in this space, and it will be moved through throughout my creations of my business in the coming weeks and months. So thank you for being here on the rebirth day of this space and the energy that gets to pour through in all of the sharings that I get to offer and create here with you.

    [00:08:23] So I felt like to honor. This energy and this rebirth. What better way than to create a podcast to create this space? A journey for us to share and discuss the traits of an embodied woman. And when I was feeling into this, the inspiration that arrived to me with me and for. was that of what I have witnessed in the women that I have been [00:09:00] gathering with and that have journeyed with me for many, many years.

    [00:09:04] Many different expressions of ceremony and circle and retreats and immersion and individual journeys and mentorships and masterminds. All of the thousands and thousands of. I have had the honor to witness unfold and arrive more fully into themselves, have been the inspiration for this sharing today. So thank you all.

    [00:09:36] If you're one of those women that has journeyed with me some way, somehow in some timeline, in some form, thank you because you inspire the constant. Creation that moves through me to provide these spaces for you and for other women, for all women. [00:10:00] So thank you, thank you, thank you. The traits of an embodied woman, what I have witnessed and found to be true that I have witnessed in the many women in my world over the last 10.
    [00:10:17] She is connected to her body. She is rooted in her pelvis and wound. She's connected to her heart. She is aware of herself, the embodied woman. She is anchored in self responsibility. She is awakening deeper into her pleasure as her natural creative power and potential. She is unafraid of her. She loves herself through all life experiences.

    [00:10:52] The embodied woman, she is embodied in her knowing and deepening into her wisdom [00:11:00] within. She is heart-centered. She leads with truth and love. Throughout all her experiences in life, she is walking her path of awaken. She is liberating herself into her fullness. The embodied woman. She is rooted in her worth, at ease in her power, radiance in her creativity, alive in her pleasure, anchored in self-trust, expansive in her magnetism, activated in self leadership, embodied in her.

    [00:11:40] Radical in her self responsibility. So my question to you, my love, as you feel those traits and those expressions ripple through you in this moment, can you feel her [00:12:00] rising inside of you? Is she you the embodied. Is there a yearning inside of you to awaken more fully into her, which is a journey to remember your full true self, the journey of arriving deeper into yourself beyond the noise of the external world, the shoulds, the shouldn'ts, the dos, the don'ts, the this, the.

    [00:12:32] There is a quiet space within you, within all of us, which is our deep space of wisdom. It's the quiet space within that knows the truth of our hearts. But throughout life, we are often drowned out by external noise. The world situations, places, people pulling threads of us here, there, and every. [00:13:00] And I get it.

    [00:13:00] It's part of life and it's part of being human. But what I have recognized lives alive in so many women is a deep yearning to return to that quiet space within themselves to listen so they can hear, feel, and deepen into the truth that lives in their hearts, in their bodies, and their. So that they are better able to navigate life experiences from that wise knowing place within.

    [00:13:39] Sometimes it isn't the external world that is noisy. It can be the internal chatter of the mind. The inner narratives and stories that have been falsely conceived or woven into the tapestry of your body and your being [00:14:00] that leave you feeling fragmented, distorted, disembodied, frazzled, or reaching a space of burnout.
    [00:14:11] The mental chatter pulling you this way, that way the other. And with that, we can lose a sense of clarity and knowing we can lose a sense of trust, trusting your body, your intuition, your inner wisdom, and that inner guidance that is there and alive within you. But we must create space to sink into that quiet power.

    [00:14:44] And that deep well of wisdom within, there's often a yearning in women to awaken more deeply, more fully into the multifaceted expression of who they are [00:15:00] to awaken into their embodied fullness. And this often arrives. And what I have witnessed throughout my years, Space holding mentorship and guiding women.

    [00:15:17] It arrives for them when they step into a sacred space circle with other women that say yes, that are aligned to that part of themselves too. There is so much power in gathering with other women that are committed to themselves and their journey of awaken. These are the spaces where those deep intimate conversations and connections can form, can be born, can unravel.
    [00:15:54] There is such power in sharing, in witnessing other [00:16:00] women, in being heard and seen yourself in finding aspects of yourself in other women's stories. And recognizing we're not all too dissimilar. So my love, I ask you if you hold this desire within you, if you can feel that yearning, that you want to awaken into a fuller, deeper embodied version of you
    [00:16:36] in all areas and aspects of your. And then this is your invitation to join us in a sacred circle of thought leaders, empowered women, visionary sisters, to activate and awaken creation, radiance, magnetism, pleasure, power, and to [00:17:00] embody your leadership. If you are feeling that call and you are ready to step, To a sacred space with other women, a council of light, a circle of women that will be intimate in connection, in conversation, in sharing.

    [00:17:28] I am here ready to hold you in your rising. This is the journey that I have created for 10 women only. The embodied woman is a mentorship for women that are ready to walk a pathway of initiation into deeper growth and to align into the leader creative woman embodied feminine being that they are [00:18:00] here.

    [00:18:02] This is a space for women who are space holders, visionaries, thought leaders, sacred business owners, mothers, teachers, guides, midwives, doulas, women walking the path of awakening. During this sacred journey, you will be held in this space of potent transformation. It is an embodied and experiential me. To activate you deeper into the fullness of you, the embodied woman begins in May, 2023.

    [00:18:43] The space is limited to 10 women. Only three spaces have already been claimed. We have seven remaining. This is a six month mentorship. If you're feeling the. All the details [00:19:00] are in the show notes. All the links are down there for you to click to follow, to explore. If this has moved something in you and you are feeling the yes, the call that part of your body that has lit up and been activated.

    [00:19:17] Come and connect with me on Instagram at Rebecca underscore Wilson underscore, or you can find me through the link in the show notes and you can arrive into my website or you can drop into my world and connect with me through email. I am here. I am listening in full support. Share with me what has risen, what's present, what's stirring for you.

    [00:19:45] And if you are feeling that call to step in with, I welcome you to joining. Oh my love.

    [00:19:57] Thank you for joining me on this journey [00:20:00] today. If you love this musicing and sharing, I would love for you to share this episode far and wide. You can arrive into all of my Links to dive deeper with me are in the episode notes. Remember my love. You are here to be the fullest, most potent, powerful, embodied version of you.

    [00:20:27] I am here to guide you into that.

This is your invitation to join us in a sacred circle of thought leaders, empowered sisters and visionary women to activate and awaken your own unique codes of creation, radiance, magnetism and light, and embody your leadership in sacred business.

You’re ready to lead others through radical leadership of yourself.
I am ready to hold the space for you to rise
This is the journey for THE EMBODIED WOMBAN

This 6-month mastermind stands as an initiation and space for deep growth to align you with the leader you know you were always meant to be.

An embodied experiential mentorship + mastermind for women in sacred business, creation, art, healing, coaching, feminine embodiment, space holders, visionaries, thought leaders + women walking the path of awakening

We begin May 2023
10 women only

The Embodied Womban

Receive your free Embody Your Fullness Activation here


How I Evolved My Business…. The Embodied Way