Conscious Creation




Through the evolution of the creative process we are able to spark and accelerate our internal creative fire

It is through the gentle awakening of the creativity within that we begin to embody the spirit of creation

We journey through the energy of the body as the earthly portal of transformation to reclaim and integrate all parts of yourself as the EMBODIMENT OF CREATION


  • Awakening the pulse of Creation 

    Deep within the womb 

    An opening to creation 

    A divine source of light 

    Opening to a higher states of expansion 

    The pulse of Creation will activate and awaken ancient codes of creative consciousness held within your womb space

    Your womb is your space of sacred creation

    She is a portal holding your creative potential 

    Consciously awakening the light of Creation within your womb will open this portal of Creativity 

    We will take a journey into your womb to awaken light, codes and the pulse of Creation held within the portal of all creations 

    Opening and Expanding to the golden light 

    To receive inspiration 


    To awaken your womb to her natural state of creative potential

Wildly feminine embodiment of light 

Co creating with the stars 

Dancing with magic 

Spinning new realties 

Weaving in dreams 

Awakening the womb grids of life

Returning to the original pattern 

Thread by thread 

Spiralling back into the sacred centre of the

Cosmic womb of the universal mother 

Through this process you become more available for life, love, connection, intimacy, relationship, growth, abundance, work, mission, purpose and creation. 


“She knows exactly how to hold a safe space, to go deep, to be vulnerable and to heal. Thank you so much for your love, guidance and support. I look forward to working with you again sister. The mentoring Journey was an initiation, a rite of passage, for me and my life is now changed forever because I could meet myself and the darkest places within me with love. Thank you for leading me there safely, and for always being caring and loving with me during the whole process.” 

There is a sacred seed of starlight living within you, the light of the star from which you were conceived and birthed.

A shooting star of pure consciousness 

This holds the visions, messages, inspirations and expressions of your souls purpose.

The codes of the reason you are here upon earth. 

We each hold a specific energy seed which carries the blueprint for our souls mission in this lifetime, along the journey of life we can forget our own light or we become so far removed and disconnected from our light and the light seed of creation from which we are birthed from

This is our individual light that we are here to share in our own unique expression.

It is our individual purpose to awaken and remember our own light codes, to anchor them into our physical bodies & womb space to them birth them into the world.


This journey is for all women who long to awaken creation within themselves, their lives and the gifts they share with the world. Speakers, teachers, artists, creatives, coaches, mothers, guides


  • Awaken creation as an embodied expression

  • Receive POTENT ACTIVATIONS through energy, sound, movement and channelled guidance .

  • Gain an embodied experiential experience of CREATION from seed to bloom.

  • Explore opening your heart, womb, body.

  • Feel into the body to awaken a deeper creative expression.

  • Become intimate with the subtle ripples and currents of energy that flow through your being.

  • Activate your body and womb as a source centre of creative potential

  • Plant seeds of inspiration and divine creation into your body and womb to birth through into your world, life and expand your purpose and vision

  • The course offers

    Attuning to the golden codes of creation

    Conscious Creation course + self led practices

    • meditations

    • activations

    • shamanic journeys

    • embodiment practices

    • transmissions

    • sacred space

    • creation awakening practices

The offering…

This is a deeply embodied journey into the sacred codes of creation you will expand and experience activating energy to awaken dormant parts of your heart and womb to align to the frequency of CREATION

Investment £133

Balance to be paid upon booking. Sessions are Non refundable & Non Transferable. Full T&C Sent Upon Booking

Within your womb space

Lives an unlimited creative potential waiting for you to awaken.

A luminous light of divine creation 

This is the awakened light of womb consciousness 

Womb light energy spirals around the pelvic bowl and womb space as a divine creative energy

Full of pure potential and conscious creation. 

Womb light flows freely awakening womb energy 

As the womb blooms open into the cycle of creation within

Blooming like a flower 

Opening to the beauty of life 

The creation mother

The bearer of all creation 

Holder of the light within her awakening womb of creation