Themes We Will Explore In Embodied Awakening 10 Month Journey 2023

Embodied Awakening

Themes we will explore in Embodied Awakening 10 Month Journey

February - 7th +14th WELCOME + ARRIVAL

March - 7th + 14th AWAKENING BODY

April - 4th + 18th RELEASING STORY + HABIT

 May - 9th + 23rd HEART AWAKENING

June -13th + 27th WOMB AWAKENING

 July - 11th + 25th AWAKENING PLEASURE

August - 8th + 22nd INNER UNION

September - 5th + 19th WEALTH ALCHEMY

October - 10th + 24th EMBODIED ALCHEMY


This container is a multifaceted experience that bring a unique Alchemy of healing modalities, energy transmissions and sound

As we Journey together you will awaken of your own unique ALCHEMY.

A space that will ACTIVATE + AWAKEN your energy into higher states of magnetism, transform and integrate blocks that have held you back from fully stepping into your MAGNETIC RADIANCE and birthing into the world your sacred SELF IN ALL YOUR LIGHT

  • Note: this transcript was generated automatically. Its accuracy may vary.

    [00:00:00] Welcome to Embodied Alchemy with me, Rebecca Wilson. An embodied experiential space for you to drop deep into the wealth of wisdom within your being. And activate a fuller, richer you. I am an embodied business coach, embodiment queen, sacred business midwife, and alchemist. I will help you birth your visions and sacred business into the world from an easeful, embodied, and rooted space within him.

    [00:00:43] So you can be who you are here to be. Create what you are here to create and activate the wealth of energy that is you. I will activate you into self leadership, self mastery to [00:01:00] create your legacy on Earth. Welcome on the Journey, my love. Hello, love. Welcome to another episode of Embodied Alchemy, the themes we will be exploring in Embodied Awakening 10 month journey that births live in February, 2023.

    [00:01:31] I really wanted to dive deep into this episode to. give space and insight into everything we will be exploring in this container. This journey is going to be so deep and so profound on so many levels. It is curation of the many years of my journeying [00:02:00] with many, many, many women. , I have gathered all of the information, all of the witnessing everything that I have had the honor of being in space with and sharing circles with, and had the honor and the privilege to witness and hold in many women's un journeys of unraveling and unfolding and awakening deeper into themselves.

    [00:02:28] and I really felt a really deep call to bring and gather all of that information that I have, that information of what women awaken into the common themes and experiences that have been shared in the spaces that I have created and held the awakenings that have happened over the past seven, eight years with thousands of women.

    [00:02:57] The journeys that they've gone on, [00:03:00] the desires that have been expressed, the needs, the wants, the wishes, and I have gathered all that information and created this journey, the Embodied Awakening Journey. It is a signature course, a signature program that has been. A body of work that really has been seeding and gestating for some time, and I'm really excited and honored that I am in a position where I am able to curate and create this and offer it to the women in my community, to you, to all women, to the women that step in and join this experience.

    [00:03:47] The themes we will. We'll begin with an opening ceremony as I always create and offer at the beginning of any immersion or experience because it really [00:04:00] is important to me and it feels important to the space to offer that experience, that moment, that invitation to truly arrive and to truly land and to open space, and to open the energy of the journey in a sacred.

    [00:04:20] We will then move into a module deeply rooted in embodiment. The intention of this module is to awaken the body beyond its habits and its history. We all have habitual patterns within our being habitual emotions, habitual experiences, habits that run in our subconscious or unconscious programming, and they also exist in the body as these old echoes of energy and [00:05:00] emotion and experience.

    [00:05:02] So when we come into awakening the body into embodiment, We are really going to be diving deep into this module all about releasing the habit from the body so that we are able to open the body, your heart, your womb, your solar plexus, and your power center. Beyond the history that has been gathered, beyond the stories, beyond the archives of information that are woven deep within.

    [00:05:33] So that offers us an opportunity to step through a gateway into a blank canvas, and we'll move into the next module. And this module will all be about releasing and realigning story. So what usually happens, and what I've witnessed very deeply in my own self and in the women that I support and journey with, is when we begin to move habit out of the body.

    [00:05:58] We begin to reveal the [00:06:00] stories that have been playing out, the stories, the narratives, the beliefs, the limitations. For example, the stories of not feeling safe in pleasure, the stories of being too much, the stories of not being enough. The stories of, I'll always be let down, the stories of I am not safe to share my voice.

    [00:06:23] We all carry these narratives, rightly so, because they've been imprinted into us from our life experience. But often when we're in the present moment, those stories and narratives are not actually true to the moment and are not playing out then. But we make our experiences fit the old narrative to stay safe and ultimately so our ego can prove it right.

    [00:06:49] So when we come into story re patterning story alchemy, we are choosing to awaken beyond the history of the body, beyond the habit of the body, [00:07:00] and decide the new narrative that we wish to inhabit and move forward with. We get to prove our limiting. Wrong lovingly, and in that create a space to rewrite and rescript our reality moving forward.

    [00:07:20] From here, we're going to move into awakening heart. So this is all going to be about deep heart alchemical awakening, opening the heart beyond the narratives, beyond the stories, beyond past hurt, pain, ache, grief, sorrow. Opening beyond the closures and the contractions from your life experiences that may have shut you down from feeling love, from feeling connection, from feeling deep sense of heart expansion.

    [00:07:56] So you become more available to be heart-centered, [00:08:00] to live in, and create from, and experience yourself and your relationships and your life from your heart space. And we'll move inwards and downwards into the womb here, awakening the womb. This next module will be deeply rooted in activating and awakening your womb space.

    [00:08:26] Again, will repa and release the narratives and the stories and the ancient echoes that may be embedded in your womb and in your fertile or your creative energy. Stories passed down through the family line, through the female lineage, the feminine collective and feminine consciousness, which we are all connected untuned into.

    [00:08:53] To be able to activate and awaken that pure light of creative potential [00:09:00] that lives in your womb for wherever you wish to give life and create in your world, your life, your relationships, your business. Yeah, beautiful, deep, potent, and very rooting and grounding module. Then we're gonna move into awakening.

    [00:09:20] Here we will be opening and activating the pathways of pleasure in your body. And this is a natural progression. As we open the heart and awaken the heart, open the womb and awaken the womb. We begin to awaken and open this pathways of pleasure, joy, sensation in the body, in your heart, in your womb, in your yi.

    [00:09:48] Uh, here you become more available for the pleasures of life, whatever they may be for you. , you begin to live in pleasure. So rather than pleasure being [00:10:00] an external experience, it's awoken within your body and you begin to be able to experience pleasure in a more grounded, rooted, and embodied way. We really heal here.

    [00:10:16] Any sexual wounds, any stories around pleasure being anything other than pure and divine. and you begin to dance with this beautiful awakening energy within. From here, we will move into the next module, which will be union Alny. So this is all about awakening the inner inner union within. The masculine and feminine, the light and the shadow structures flow, whatever we resonate with in Union, this is a journey of coming into inner Holy Union within balancing and [00:11:00] restoring any parts that may be living conflict inside of the.

    [00:11:05] Parts that maybe push and pull and live in separation rather than bringing into wholeness. And here we will experience dancing, moving, embodying the frequency of inner wholeness, inner completeness to restore and remember that you are whole, complete just as you. And from that place you will be embodied and live in and from a completely different frequency and energy inside of yourself.

    [00:11:40] And that ripples through everything that you create and everything that you inhabit and all of the relationships that you have external from yourself. This was a really potent. Experience for me on my personal journey, and it has allowed me to root even deeper [00:12:00] into the knowing that I am whole and complete.

    [00:12:05] We will then move into wealth, energy awakening, and activating wealth as an embodied experience. And wealth and abundance truly are a vibrational feeling. And here we will explore subjects and stories around money. But it's much deeper than that. To be a wealthy woman is to be a woman that is embodied in her being attuned to her inner rhythms, connected to her own energy frequency, those pathways of joy, pleasure, grounding sensation to feel that loving wholeness within.

    [00:12:50] So we will dance with and explore and experience this as an embodied activation. We will then move into [00:13:00] a fuller module for embodied alchemy, where we will experience and explore themes of power, radiance, embodiment, womb, heart abundance. Really tap into what it means to be a multifaceted, multi-dimensional, embodied woman able to be in multiple expressions.

    [00:13:34] Simultaneously to be activated and rooted in power, radiance, softness, sensuality, activation. This is where we really get to arrive into what it truly means to be an embodied woman. to be embodied in the feminine, to welcome and allow all these different aspects [00:14:00] of the self to have their space. . You know, I would often say the seat at the table because it's when we are able to access all these different parts of us that we can bring them forward at different points in time, in different seasons of our life, in different areas of our life, and no part feels rejected or abandoned or denied because they're all welcome.

    [00:14:28] They're all nourished, they're all supported, and they all have their right place and their right relationship with their expression in your experiences, in your life, in your relationships, in your business, and so on. We will then move into the final module, which will be a journey of embodying her. The expression of yourself that you desire to step into, embodied in [00:15:00] self-leadership, feminine leadership, self responsibility, self sourcing, grounded and rooted and anchored in your own being to be able to hold more of your truest.

    [00:15:18] By this point in this journey, there'll have been so much unraveling that we truly get to step into that blank canvas once again. Step through that threshold, that gateway into that moment in time on the journey of awakening, where it's like all of this old has been released and I am at a point where I'm able to decide to choose what am I aligning to.

    [00:15:46] What is my vision for myself, for my life? What are my dreams, my goals? What are my wishes? What values do I have? Personal values, values in relationship, [00:16:00] values in business, in creation, and how am I living with them? What are my values that I desire to embody and am I the embodiment of them? Or is there more for me to be deepening into?

    [00:16:18] And this is where we truly get to sink into becoming an embodied leader, an embodied woman of our own life, our own reality. The journey will be over 10 months, as I say, we begin with our opening ceremony in February, 2020. You are able to join this journey at any time. Throughout the 10 month experience, each module, you will receive practices, meditations, embodiment journeys, PDFs, journal prompts, [00:17:00] written activations to support your deep dive into your embodied awakening.

    [00:17:07] There'll be two calls a. One call will be a embodiment and energy activation session, and the other call will be an opportunity to join in sacred space in sharing any questions and answering any coaching to be seen, witnessed, and to be held and supported in your unraveling. We will also have a telegram community.

    [00:17:35] where all the women who are part of the container will be able to step into that space, to build connections, to feel part of a community, to build that sisterhood, to be able to share what is happening in your inner world so that you can feel safe, seen, held, loved, understood as you journey [00:18:00] this profound experience of embodied, awaken.

    [00:18:05] Along with the live sessions, you'll also have access to an online course portal where all of the practices will be held along with all of the call recordings, which will be housed in there too. It is an abundant offering. I really love creating experiences for you, for the women that journey with. So the online course portal is abundant in itself, and then the live journeys just add that deeper experience and deeper depth of abundance for you and your journey.

    [00:18:47] The doors are open. We are welcoming in the most beautiful, potent, and powerful women. And if you are one of them, I welcome you to join us. You can connect with me [00:19:00] on Instagram. It's Rebecca underscore Wilson underscore. You can find all the All the details are in the show notes.

    [00:19:13] We are offering a pay in full option and a payment plan option. And we also have some really beautiful gifts for the women that step in when you arrive into this container in the month of December or January. Along with the full complete offering, you also receive a individual session with me to explore anything that may be going on in your inner world.
    [00:19:44] And you can take that throughout any time throughout the 10. That we will be journeying together, and that's just a really beautiful gift from my heart to yours as an opportunity to have that extra space to [00:20:00] journey through anything that may rise up for you during the time that we share together and welcoming in the women that are ready to truly awaken into themselves deeply, fully, and complet.

    [00:20:16] With the knowing that this journey will and has the activation in it to support your awakening, to shift your reality, to change the story so that you can step forward as the woman that you know you are here. I so look forward to welcoming you on the journey now. Welcome you to join us to step In. If you're feeling this in your body, just trust and know that's something deep inside of you is saying.
    [00:20:55] Yes, I am here. I am listening. I am [00:21:00] supporting any questions you have. I welcome them and I look forward to seeing, speaking, connecting with you someplace, some. Sending you so much. Have a beautiful day.

    [00:21:19] Thank you for joining me on this journey today. If you love this musicing and sharing, I would love for you to share this episode far and wide. You can arrive into all of my Links to dive deeper with me are in the episode notes. Remember my love. You are here to be the fullest, most potent, powerful, embodied version of you.

    [00:21:49] I am here to guide you into that.[00:22:00]


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Rebeccas teachings through Embodied Business Alchemy weave together somatic movement, business energetically + strategy, energy mastery and channelled spiritual wisdom to support women to step into their power and activate their radiance into new levels of empowerment and leadership


2 x 60 - 90 minute group calls a month
1x Embodiment Ceremony
1x Q+A + Coaching with Rebecca

* Online course portal with meditations, activations, embodiment practices, journal explorations
* Telegram group to connect with community of women through the journey
* All calls recorded and uploaded to the course portal
* This container is accessible to join at any time you will receive all previous content + recordings upon arrival into the embodied awakening group

This is an immersive + expansive journey bathing you in the activating golden light of healing that will awaken you on a cellular level

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