Cultivating Safety within: Unraveling the Threads of Dysregulation

In the journey of cultivating safety within the body—a multifaceted experience—our primal instincts continuously drive us to scan the external environment for threats. When our system is ensnared in patterns of dysregulation—stress, overwhelm, and survival mode—it seeks evidence of danger in our experiences, relationships, and interactions.

This looping pattern persists in a system that is dysregulated, disembodied and lacks the essential nutrients for vibrant health.

The constant message is one of danger, urging us to survive at any cost.

This can look different for us all, as we all have experienced our own traumas, pains and triggering experiences.

For me, this once looked like being stuck in patterns of freeze in my body and nervous system, which would historically have me shut down in times of stress, conflict and relationships. Unable to express myself or my needs, my voice would close down and I would freeze back into the little girl within who froze at her original points of trauma.

This becomes a normal place for us, and familiarity is born in these states within our bodies. Here we often find ourselves unconsciously seeking out the same felt experiences to repeat, mimic, or in the search for that familiar chaos, dysregulation to feel a sense of familiar, stability or known.

Healing as a Journey to Safety in the Body

As we begin this journey of healing through somatic awareness, nervous system regulation, and remineralisation, we signal to our body that safety exists within. It's a process of remapping the ingrained messages back to a natural state of calm and regulation.

Often in these times of trauma or stress our bodies endure a huge cascade of physiological responses - which are all natural and part of our system altering us to the danger it perceives. However under stress over long periods of time, our bodies’ reserves of energy and minerals become depleted and we begin to enter a stage of depletion, lacking energy and vitality - which naturally makes our body feel unsafe and enter into a state of survival.

Stepping Out of Historic Patterns

Healing is the integration of wounds, traumas, and the nurturing of our bodies. This journey allows us to step out of the looping patterns rooted in childhood fears and experiences. The result is a return to embodied power and wisdom, centered in the self, the body, and the womb—a path to sovereignty and self-leadership.

The journey of cultivating safety within the body is multifaceted. Amid energetic loops of dysregulation, stress, and disembodiment, our primal instinct urges us to survive by seeking external threats. This pattern persists in a body that is dysregulated, depleted, and lacking vital micronutrients.

Through somatic awareness, embodiment, and nourishment, we signal to our body and nervous system that safety exists within.

Female with long brunette hair standing on the beach with her hands in a prayer position at her heart.

My Journey of moving out of survival through cellular nourishment

My relationship with nourishment shifted dramatically when I was 19 and my mother passed away. I quickly adopted disordered patterns with food as a form of control. Trying to control my emotions and the huge loss in my life I turned towards denying myself nourishment = A MOTHERS LOVE.

For many years I experienced pain when eating food - intolerance, sensitivities, the inability to digest, and not being able to process food. I cut out most foods from vital food groups. I existed on very little at a time of emotional distress I was undernourished, depleted, stressed on a cellular level, dysregulated, disembodied and hormonally out of balance

I gained a thrill from living off very little I became proud of how little I could eat and survive - a story I hear of many women!

Until my cellular awakening began.

This was a deep call inside my body to nourish myself in ways I never knew. A deeper call to ask life and my relationships to nourish me back

A returning into cellular harmony and restoring into full radiance, balance, power, vitality, sovereignty, creativity and fertility.

I traversed a journey of somatic awareness, embodiment, coaching, yoga, remineralisation and nourishment.

This journey has guided me on a pathway back into connection, and safety and anchored within my own body, this has had profound shifts in my health, energy, relationships, work, and how I serve the women whom I guide.

The Embodied Woman Mentorship

I invite you to explore, EMBODIED WOMAN MENTORSHIP. This mentorship is a guided Journey in Cellular Healing, Feminine Restoration, and Metabolic Living. A 6-month Group Mentorship starting February 28th, 2024.

This is your invitation to join us in a sacred circle of women on a journey of embodiment, cellular restoration, nourishment, feminine vitality, and somatic awareness.

The Embodied Woman 6 month Group Mentorship, will guide you into into cellular understanding of metabolic living, minerals, somatic healing, feminine health, and more. From Hair Mineral Testing to the Root Cause Protocol to somatic awareness, resourcing, and feminine awakening we will navigate pathways that allow you to metabolise life's experiences, past wounds, and old-held sensations from your body, which will open you into profound receptivity with life.

with love,



Recognising Signs of Mineral Dysregulation


Understanding Thyroid Health and Nervous System Dysregulation: