The Wisdom of Somatic Healing

Did you know our human brains have a negativity bias? It's not a design flaw, but rather an inherent survival mechanism.

Nature wired us to prioritise detecting threats over acknowledging safety. This bias is an evolutionary trait that has allowed our species to persist through countless challenges.

However, the downside is that when we experience traumatic events like shock, disappointment, loss, or separation, our bodies remember these incidents as somatic experiences.

They imprint themselves in our very cells, influencing the way we perceive and interact with the world around us.

These traumatic echoes from the past often lead our minds and bodies to respond to nonexistent threats. Our system remains in a state of high alert, driven by historic patterns etched into our very beings. These patterns trigger the body's survival response, which is then interpreted by our brains.

The Vagus Nerve Connection

The brain's interpretation of stress and survival is facilitated through the signals sent by our internal organs via the vagus nerve, a vital component of the parasympathetic nervous system. This nerve controls various bodily functions, including digestion, heart rate, and the immune system.

A Primal Survival Instinct

In response to perceived threats, our mind and body unconsciously slip into a primal survival mode. This response is an ancient and deeply ingrained way to keep us safe. The patterns held within the body are seen as a source of safety, even when they actually perpetuate feelings of threat.

The Power of Resourcing

So, how can we unravel these patterns?

Resourcing is a powerful practice that invites your mind and body to focus on sensations of safety, no matter how subtle they may be.

Through resourcing, we can experience something remarkable called Glimmers.

Glimmers are the process of tuning into a felt sense of "okayness." This simple practice initiates a process that teaches our nervous system how to experience stress and then return to a state of calm. It's a form of self-regulation.

Resourcing and Titration

Using the techniques of resourcing and titration, we can smoothly transition between states of high alert and moments of collapse. These practices are the keys to finding our way back to a centered state, even in the face of life's challenges.

Somatic Healing for Embodied Wisdom

In all my offerings, I am dedicated to helping women connect with their inner resources. Through the power of somatic healing, we tap into the body's wisdom to support self-regulation. As we work together, we cultivate a profound presence in our environment, bodies, and felt senses, firmly grounded in the Earth's steadiness.

Life is filled with moments of stress, but the journey of embodiment allows us to ride the waves of existence with a profound connection to our true selves. Through somatic healing techniques and ancestral womb healing, we unlock the secrets to navigating life's challenges while staying firmly anchored in our bodies and grounded in the present moment.

with love,

Rebecca x


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