The Link Between Minerals and Fertility

Nourishing the Path to Motherhood

Fertility is a crucial aspect of human life, and its intricacies are influenced by a multitude of factors. While genetics, lifestyle, and medical conditions play significant roles, the impact of minerals on fertility is often overlooked.

There is a deep connection that links minerals and fertility. Nutrients can affect reproductive health and maintain optimal fertility through a balanced mineral intake.

Minerals play an essential role in the many physiological processes within the body, particularly within a woman’s cycle. A system that is well mineralised is a body that is full of cellular energy and vitality.

A woman’s menstrual cycle and ovulation require an incredible amount of energy to function optimally. Without an adequate amount of cellular energy a woman’s body will use the energy it does have and prioritise the functions needed to survive - fertility and pregnancy is not one of those.

Many women develop a desire to conceive after years of enduring life experiences that have subjected them to stress, often unaware that these experiences have been depleting their reserves.

A nourished and mineralised body is a fertile body and home for a new life to emerge.

The body needs assurance that this support is accessible to her as she embarks on the journey of motherhood, recognising that despite its beauty, it places significant stress on her body.

It is said to be the biggest stress a woman’s body will ever face, as she uses all her energy to create, grow, sustain, birth and nurture this life, offloading her minerals to the baby as she grows inside.

Women who enter the conception journey from a place of full cellular nourishment have a greater vitality and well of energy for the journey into motherhood.

How Mineral Imbalances and Mineral Dysregulation Impact Fertility

Mineral imbalances can interfere with the process of ovulation, where a mature egg is released from the ovary. Minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium are involved in the regulation of muscle contractions, including those of the smooth muscles in the reproductive system.

Imbalances in these minerals can disrupt the rhythmic contractions necessary for follicle rupture and egg release during ovulation.

Proper mineral balance is essential for the development and maturation of ovarian follicles, which house the eggs. Imbalances in minerals such as iron, zinc, and copper can compromise follicular growth and development, leading to suboptimal egg quality and reduced fertility.

Adequate mineral levels are necessary for the successful implantation of the fertilised egg into the uterine lining and for the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy. Imbalances in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and selenium can affect the integrity of the endometrium and uterine contractions, potentially impacting implantation and increasing the risk of early pregnancy loss.

And not forgetting Male Minerals:

Mineral imbalances can also affect male fertility by impairing sperm production, motility, and function. Zinc, for example, is essential for sperm development and has antioxidant properties that protect sperm from oxidative damage. Deficiencies in zinc and other minerals can compromise sperm quality and viability, reducing the chances of successful fertilization.

How to Balance Mineral Intake for Optimal Fertility:

  • Consuming a well-rounded diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products can provide the necessary minerals for optimal fertility. Focus on nutrient-dense foods to ensure you're getting a variety of essential minerals.

  • In some cases, dietary supplements may be necessary to ensure you're meeting your mineral requirements. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen, as excessive intake of certain minerals can have adverse effects.

  • Staying properly hydrated is important for mineral balance in the body. Water helps transport nutrients to cells and supports overall bodily functions, including reproductive health.

Nourishing the Path to Motherhood

For many years, I've been assisting women on their pre-conception path by facilitating womb connection, energy healing, somatic practices, and embodiment techniques. Now, I'm also incorporating remineralisation and the root cause protocol into my support offerings.

I am offering a pioneering space for women to feel held and supported physically and emotionally as they traverse this rite of passage. Supporting women to become deeply nourished and full of energy and vitality to create, grow and birth life is an honor.

We as women carry the responsibility of nurturing the next generation, who will become integral parts of the world. Ensuring that we are fully nourished during this process is a gift not only to ourselves but also to our future children.

Experience Awakening Fertility + Conscious Conception Mentorship - an empowering co-creative space where every session holds it own unique energy. Session offerings are dependent upon what is intuitively required in each moment for your deepest healing and integration. With one-to-one guidance through the Conscious Conception Course, you'll be lovingly held through every step.
You can find out more here.

You can listen to Healing Maternal Lineage through Remineralisation here

with love,

Rebecca x


The Impact of Stress on Female Fertility


The Calcified Woman