Healing Maternal Lineage through the Remineralisation

Did you know during pregnancy, a woman transfers 80% of her minerals to her baby in the weeks leading up to childbirth?

This accounts for 80% of the minerals present in her system.

This process extends further along the maternal lineage, as she initially received 80% from her mother, and the cycle continues with each generation down the line.

This I call: Cellular Inheritance

What do we mean by Maternal Lineage? 

Maternal lineages refer to the line of descent traced through the maternal side of a family.

It involves the passing down of traits, characteristics, and, in the context of the previous discussion, minerals from mother to daughter through successive generations. The maternal lineage typically follows the maternal family tree, highlighting the ancestry and genetic or cultural inheritance passed along the female line.

We inherit our mineral patterns from our mothers, passing down through the lineage of women, and also from our fathers.

Many women haven’t been passed down through generations the wisdom of the essential need to restore and remineralise the body post-pregnancy and birth, or for themselves being born from depleted mothers

The essential wisdom of restoring and remineralising the body post-pregnancy and childbirth hasn't been consistently passed down through generations to many women. Lack of self-care can contribute to this but it is also important to highlight there that many women are born from mothers who may have experienced mineral depletion themselves.

As a result, numerous women within our lineages may have carried children in a sub-optimal state, minimally addressing the crucial need for restoration and passing on these conditions to generations.

Only relying on what was readily available, we start to witness a generational pattern of bodies undergoing demineralisation, characterised by a lack of vitality and cellular energy. It becomes apparent that the challenges women face postpartum may indeed be rooted in insufficient mineralisation.

Healing our maternal lineage through remineralisation. 

When we start our journey of remineralising the body we can be presented with an opportunity not only for personal vitality but also for the revitalisation and healing of the maternal lineage.

In many cultures, the maternal lineage holds significance, symbolising strength, wisdom, and resilience passed down through generations. However, this lineage can also carry with it unresolved traumas, emotional imprints, and health challenges that impact generations to come.

Healing the maternal lineage through remineralisation involves multiple aspects including the physical, emotional, energetic, generation patterns and ancestral patterns.

  • Essential minerals play a crucial role in reproductive health, hormonal balance, and overall vitality. Replenishing these minerals helps fortify the body’s foundation, ensuring optimal health for present and future generations.

  • When we nurture our bodies through remineralisation, we break patterns of neglect or disconnection within the lineage. This practice can extend healing to emotional and energetic aspects, promoting a sense of balance and harmony.

  • Often, mineral deficiencies or imbalances pass through generations. By consciously remineralising your system, you can interrupt these patterns, paving the way for healthier generations to come.

  • When we remineralise the body we are honoring ancestral wisdom, reconnecting us to ancient practices of nourishing your body with the essentials needed for vitality and resilience.

The journey of restoring the mineral networks of your body, engaging in somatic healing, nurturing embodied resources, and awakening feminine vitality is a process that takes time and requires patience but it is possible! To begin, I would suggest:

  • Implementing a nutrient-dense diet comprising whole foods rich in essential minerals.

  • Embodiment Practices

  • Kidney Massage and Lympathic drainage practices 

  • Mineralized water for cellular hydration

  • Reduce stress in your life

  • Morning light on your eyes and face

  • Walking to support lymph flow, boost energy and body movement

By consciously embracing the practice of remineralisation, we can begin to contribute to healing the maternal lineage, fostering resilience, vitality, and a legacy of well-being for generations to come.

Do you desire a journey of cellular healing and remineralisation?

This is your invitation to join me in the transformative 6-month Group Mentorship, The Embodied Woman, starting February 28th, 2024.

This sacred journey through the Root Cause Protocol and individual hair analysis (HTMA) includes personalised sessions to guide you through the protocol's steps, tailored to your unique needs. Our collective exploration includes resourcing practices, embodied techniques, and emotional clearing practices.

We will release the emotional and physical debris, clearing the pathways for more life to flow through you.

Find out more about the Embodied Woman mentorship and save your seat here.

I look forward to walking alongside you on your journey home to the fullness of who you are.

with love,

Rebecca x


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