The Path to Embodiment

The Journey of Becoming an Embodied Woman.

In this blog post, I will be sharing what has recently taken root in a profound space of reflection and integration. A journey into the depths of embodied wisdom, woven through the landscape of my body, my being, my life, and my relationships, as well as the awareness and consciousness that permeate this journey.

Recently, a powerful phrase dropped into my consciousness, a phrase that encapsulates the essence of my path:

"An embodied woman is connected to the reality of life. A disembodied woman isn't."

For some time now, I've been walking this path of healing, awakening, and embodiment, guiding and serving from the deep well of body wisdom. This path has often led me to the profound realisation that connection with oneself, one's body, and one's feelings are the most potent medicine, especially when life's experiences become too big, too overwhelming.

Becoming an Embodied Woman

As my own journey unfolds, I find myself becoming more embodied with each passing day. However, this wasn't always the case. Throughout my life, marked by traumas and challenges, I often lived in a state of disconnection from myself, my body, my emotions, and my feelings.

Trauma, I've come to understand, is not solely about the experience itself but also about how it was or wasn't held and met. It's about the connection that was either present or lost during those overwhelming moments. My early life experiences, including traumatic events within my family, were too immense, too vast, and too consuming for my young body and nervous system to handle.

Woman crouching down on a low rock on the beach. She is wearing a pink dress.

Dissociating as a child

As a child, I lacked the safety and support to navigate these emotions, so I developed survival strategies, one of which was to disconnect from myself. I disassociated from my feelings and emotions to survive the emotional tidal waves. This disconnection manifested as a deep-seated, unconscious strategy to keep myself safe.

In essence, I had disconnected from my body and my feelings to such an extent that I often experienced life as if I were existing outside of my own body, merely observing from a distance. It was a fragmented and detached way of living, a way that also left me feeling disconnected from others.

This survival strategy served me for a time, but eventually, as is often the case, it stopped working.

What does a Disembodied Woman look like?

It was in the midst of my spiritual and embodiment journey that I realised I had cleverly carried these disconnection patterns into new areas of my life. I was still not fostering a true connection with myself, my feelings, and my body.

It was during this gradual recognition that I understood the concept of bypassing. Bypassing is a way of avoiding the reality of our feelings, emotions, and core wounds. Instead of confronting these truths, we find practices, modalities, or teachings that keep us out of our bodies and disconnected from our lived reality.

In my case, I transferred these disconnection patterns into practices that, although different in appearance, still kept me from the grounded reality of my human experience. I existed in an alternate reality, disconnected from the truth of my life.

The Essence of Embodiment

My journey toward healing and embodiment began to expose these patterns. It's a slow and gentle process of recognising the areas where we may be bypassing and holding those aspects of ourselves with deep compassion. We are all doing the best we can with the feelings we have, and understanding this is paramount.

Embodiment is not a quick fix; it's a gradual return to oneself.

We slowly reconnect with our bodies, emotions, and feelings, one piece at a time. This process allows us to ground into the truth of our existence and soften into ourselves. It lets us feel the feelings that once felt overwhelming, one step at a time.

This is the essence of embodiment: coming back into a relationship with the multifaceted aspects of ourselves, piece by piece, part by part.

It's a journey from disconnection to authenticity, from bypassing to embracing our reality—a journey into the true essence of an embodied woman.

Are you ready to become an Embodied Resourced Woman?

The embodied resourced woman voices her needs, holds healthy boundaries, prioritises herself and self-care, understands that she cannot pour from an empty cup, embraces her sovereignty, and leads herself through life while being deeply connected to her feminine power.

Receive your Gifted Embodied Resource journey here

with love,

Rebecca x


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